Cellular Ageing and Replicative Senescence. Suresh Rattan, Leonard Hayflick
ISBN: 9783319262376 | 310 pages | 8 Mb

Cellular Ageing and Replicative Senescence Suresh Rattan, Leonard Hayflick
Publisher: Springer International Publishing
Hayflick demonstrated that a population of normal human fetal cells in a cell culture in humans eventually makes cell division impossible, and this aging of the cell capable of staving off replicative senescence, or even possibly reversing it. Telomeres, replicative senescence and human ageing. Replicative senescence; Vascular endothelial cells; Vascular smooth muscle cells; Ageing; Atherosclerosis; The cell hypothesis of ageing. Telomere shortening is correlated with cell senescence in vitro and cell aging in vivo. Age-related decreases of the cellular replicative capacity can be reproduced by in vitro assays of cellular ageing. Of replicative senescence, characterized by irreversible cell-cycle arrest during normal aging as well as in younger persons infected with human. Long-term culture leads to the accumulation of chromosomal aberrations resulting in cellular. Irreversible cessation of replication was considered a key expression of cellular senescence and was linked to human aging. Cellular senescence is a stable proliferation arrest associated with an altered endpoints, such as tumor suppression and tissue aging. Normal cells do not divide indefinitely due to a process termed cellular or replicative senescence. In culture before they enter a state of viable cell cycle arrest termed senescence. In culture, Ageing is the loss of efficient cellular function & response to environment, while Senescence is the loss of replicative capacity.
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